Dear Friends,
We apologize, once again, for not replying to each and every email.
Few have inquired about the website
statistics. From now onwards in every mail, at the bottom, we'll
mention the same. Many have informed us that they print upto 500 posters
and put them up at various locations. Our group (Kids Missing Alert)
now has more than 1,00,000 members. If we all printed just
ONE poster, imagine the reach and the increased chances of finding
missing children - the pictures of missing children would be
viewed by more than 100 million. On a minimum side a poster would be
viewed by 1,000 people depending on the location where it has been
put up. Eg. In offices - min 500, in schools/colleges - min 1000, in
shopping malls - min. 1,00,000, at the railway stations - min. a few lakhs, rear window of your car - min. 5,000. We request you to take out just one printout of
the poster (A/4 size) and paste/pin it on the notice board of your
office/school/college or in a public place - cinema hall, bus stop,
shopping mall etc. A printout will cost you less than Rs.2/- and
take less than 5 minutes of your time; but for the parents of the
missing children and for the missing children it can, perhaps, be
Urgent Request -
We are looking for sponsors who can help us print 'Kids Missing'
magazine (basically containing posters of missing children).
Sponsorship amount is minimum Rs.20,000/- for 4 issues.
Sponsor's name/logo will appear in the sponsorship page. Through the
magazine we'll be able to disseminate the pictures of the missing
children more effectively. Cheques/DDs may be made in favour of
National Centre for Missing Children and sent to 502 Chetak
Centre, 12/2 RNT Marg, Indore-452001. If any more information is
needed please contact us on 0731-2519279 or email us at (in the subject please write - Kids
Missing Magazine Sponsorship).
for NCMC,
Anuj Bhargava |

A missing child is counting on
Click here to print
the above poster
Our efforts
can help reunite a
missing child
with his parents.
Please print a poster. Do it in honour of the
missing children who have not made it home and do it for all the
children still missing. |