Centre For Missing Children |
Missing Alert - 1 November 2008 |
Dear Friends,
11,825 missing children from national capital, yet to be traced was the heading of an article in a leading Indian Newspaper.....
Guardian - Sold for £20: just two of India's million stolen children.
In a country with 11 million abandoned children, the fate of those kidnapped to order goes unnoticed.....
ANS - Is India becoming an unsafe place for children? The number of missing children is rising day by day. The most shocking news is that the majority of these children who are missing are sexually assaulted or put in bonded child labor.....
The Hindu - Suspected child sacrifice in U.P.
The body of a missing six-year-old girl has been recovered from a pond with police suspecting it to be a case of human sacrifice, after a trail of blood was spotted near local deities in Uttar Pradesh’s Chitrakoot district......
Indian Express - Child sacrifice in Sambalpur
An incident of child sacrifice has come to light in Gulunda village, 25 km from Sambalpur, and four members of a neighbour's family have been arrested for the crime.....
TIME - Fatima thinks it was her daughter Zabeen's beautiful smile that attracted the child stealer. Playing outside the tea shop near their home in the north Chennai suburb of Washermanpet, with only her four-year-old brother watching, the bright two-year-old was an easy target. While Fatima popped around the corner to the market, Zabeen was bundled into a motorized rickshaw and vanished into the mass of humanity that swirls through the city's squalid alleyways and slums.......
We hope the government and the public takes up the issue of the missing children seriously?
for NCMC,
Anuj Bhargava
Each recipient of this Alert is requested to use his/her own discretion as to whether to forward the Kids Missing Alert to others or not. |
Note for the Police & those reporting missing children:
Please do not stick photocopied pictures of the missing
children on the reporting forms. Do not staple the photograph or use pins
- use glue. |

here to print this Poster
A missing child is counting on
Missing For Long Time

here to print this Poster
Maybe you hold the key to reunite a missing child with his/her family.
I S S I N G |
l e a s e r e m e m b e r t h e i
r f a c e s - Y o u m a
y h a v e s e e n t h e m. |
A missing child is counting on
Our efforts can help reunite a missing child with his parents.
Our group (Kids Missing Alert)
now has more than 2,44,000 members/subscribers. (Kids Missing Alert is the largest Google group in India and the 4th largest in the world). We request
each recipient of this Alert to print just
ONE poster, imagine the reach and the increased chances of finding
missing children - the pictures of missing children would be
viewed by more than 240 million. Please paste/pin the poster (A/4 size) on the notice board of your
office/school/college or in a public place - cinema hall, bus stop,
shopping mall etc. A printout will cost you less than Rs.2/- and
take less than 5 minutes of your time; but for the parents of the
missing children and for the missing children it can, perhaps, be
You can make an impact in protecting India's most precious resources - our children and offer hope to families who know that the search will not end till their child is found. Without your help and support we will not be able to find the missing children. It is impossible for any one person, organization or government to search for the missing children on their own. All of us have to join together and help in the search for missing children. We really need your help in finding these children, to put smiles back on their faces. Let us make a beginning and let us convey to the families of the missing children that never again this crisis will be endured alone. We care and it’s our united efforts that will make the difference. No one suffering the misfortune of a missing child should ever feel and be left to cope alone.
A missing child is counting on us. Maybe you hold the key to reunite a missing child with his/her family. There are many ways in which you can help. One of the easiest one
is by just keeping a watchful eye at the children you see. Your own
powers of observation may be the greatest asset. Some of the most memorable
and successful locations of missing persons have come through individuals
who have recognized the face of a new neighbour.
Our aim is to disseminate as many pictures of the missing children as
possible. More are the pictures distributed; more are the chances of finding
these children.
Community involvement is vital for the ultimate success. Please
invite your friends/colleagues to become a part of this meaningful and fast
growing community. We are already 2,44,000 plus. A sample invitation letter
can be found at
children have been missing for a very long time.
Please take a good long look at them. You might have seen them
somewhere. |
Nishanta Das |
Kalpit Chandwar |
Vishal Talreja |
Dharam Raj Gohil |
Samiksha Gupta |
Gordhara |
Hanspal |
Giandeep Singh |
Krishnakant Tripathi |
Lobo |
Zakir |
Khan |
Kumar |
Tiwari |
Budhware |
Rashmika Chumber |
Click here for A/4 size poster. |
If your have a website/homepage please put a Photo Rotating Java Banner
National Centre For
Missing Children
(Regn. No. 734
dated 19/3/2001)
(A national level,
non-religious, non-political, non-profit making, non-governmental
502 Chetak Centre, 12/2 RNT Marg,
Indore-452001 (MP) India. Ph: (91 731) 2519279 |
Supporters/Sponsors |
Sponsorship Details - http://www.missingindiankids.com/KidsMissingAlert/KMASponsors.pdf |
Website statistics of
Analysed requests from Wed-01-Oct-2008 00:04 to Fri-31-Oct-2008 04:27 (30.18 days).
General Summary
Successful requests: 7,47,887
Average successful requests per day: 24,778
Successful requests for pages: 55,463
Failed requests: 7,712
Distinct hosts served: 38,268
Data transferred: 7.068 gigabytes |
Our assurance - You'll not get more than 4 messages (normally 2) in a month of Kids Missing Alert.
Request - Unless absolutely necessary please do not unsubscribe from this group.
A missing child is counting on us. Our efforts can help reunite a missing child with his/her parents. To unsubscribe from this group, send
an email to kidsmissing@gmail.com
and in the subject please write 'Unsubscribe Kids Missing Alert'. If you would like to add a different email ID then please add it at -
http://www.missingindiankids.com/KidsMissingAlert/subscribe.htm. Thank you in advance for your time and help.