A missing child is counting on
each one of us.
Please print just one poster and make all the difference - IT WORKS
It'll cost you less than Rs.2/- & less than 5 min. of your time to
print a poster. |
Success - Missing
Child Found through
Kids Missing Alert
Missing Child's Name - Komal Rathod
Date of Birth - 14 April 2006
Date of Missing - 18th June 2009
Place of Missing - Mumbai
Found in - Pune
Date of Finding - 15th July 2009 |
missing child is a parent's worst nightmare.
day thousands of children are reported missing.... Many are never
of the kidnappings/abductions end tragically in rape, assault and
its inception in 2000, National Centre For Missing Children is making a impact in protecting India's children, it offers hope to families who know that the search will not end till their child is found.
We need your help to get these missing children home soon and
safely. It is impossible for any one
person, organization or government to search for the missing
children on their own. All of us have to join together and help in
the search for missing children. Please visit the page "You Can
Help" for more details.
Centre For Missing Children (NCMC) is a non political, non profit
making and a non-governmental organization offering the services
free of charge.
site is presented for the parents, guardians, law enforcement
agencies, free of charge, on a one to one manner as an alternative
and unconventional method for locating a missing child who is lost
or is suspected of having been kidnapped or is a runaway. It serves
as a complement for the conventional methods and is not intended to
interfere with the system's procedures or to promote false hope.
How many children go missing in a year in India?
In India no exact figures are available, however, according to an article in an English daily, the number of runaways is 10 lakhs per annum, i.e. every 30 seconds a child runs away from home. If you add the number of missing, lost and abducted children the number of missing children is phenomenal.
We do have figures of missing children in the USA. This may help
give us an idea about the enormity of missing children issue in